Forming your team
This worksheet will help you get started on your journey to becoming an advocacy powerhouse.
The Playbook On
Fine tuning voice and perspective and using it effectively to change policy.
At I AM ALS, we’ve made changing policy to meet the needs of those living with ALS and loved ones a key objective for our organization. Through compelling messaging, testimony, persistent communications and a multi-tiered network of advocacy, we’ve been able to move the needle. Our not-so-secret weapons: those living with ALS and caregiver advocacy captains and organization leadership have built relationships with Congressional leaders and developed Congressional champions, at least one individual impacted by ALS has stepped forward representing every Congressional district, and we built a data-driven system to let everyone in the ALS community and beyond take action.
We have developed a coalition across ALS organizations to speak with one voice, where possible, allowing engagement from organizations even those for whom advocacy is not a top priority. This formula has delivered a Congressional ALS Caucus more than 150 strong, dramatically increased federal ALS research budgets and helped deliver legislation that brings financial benefits to those living with ALS and their loved ones more quickly.
Below are worksheets to get you started in shaping your organizing approach. They can be downloaded or saved in your queue by clicking the flag in the top left corner of each worksheet tile and emailed to yourself in the top right corner of your screen to begin work immediately as you shape your future movement. To access worksheets across all categories of this Playbook click "see all worksheets." Nervous? Don't be. You got this.
This worksheet will help you get started on your journey to becoming an advocacy powerhouse.
This worksheet will help you gain the lay of the land by figuring out who your elected officials are and what bills you should be supporting.
Saved Worksheets
Thank you! We hope these worksheets help you build a sustaining and powerful movement.